I received a Kad Raya from my dear friend, yesterday! Thank u babe..
Although I'm not really a kad-raya person, but I will give one for u too, ok? I know u want it!!
Although I'm not really a kad-raya person, but I will give one for u too, ok? I know u want it!!
hehe ;p

P/s: Lamat lagi ar nak raye.. aku kan hari2 jumpe ko.. bagi la mase 3 hari lagi dah nak raye da ke..hehehee.. ;p
Anyway, thanks tau! Duit raya jgn lupa! ;p
dah dpt kad raya dah..hehe
ReplyDeletenak kad raya gakkk...mt students mmg bagi but that one by hand..i nak yg post!!!uhuk..now people dah lupa camne behnya dapat kad raya kan wani!!!I still simpan kad raya yg lama2 masa primary school taww..see how i appreciate my friends..then kena bebel ngan my mum coz buat menyemak bilik!!!kahkahakah
ReplyDeletekite plak..
suke pos kad raya kt org...
every year akan pos...(kalau sempat send sume org la...huhuhu)
walaupun xdpt reply...
hahahaha...("aiman x kesah")
bcoz i know how it feels when we receive kad raya or surat or whatever that is by post...
sgt syiok kan...
mcm dpt surat centa plak..
mrs hafiz: tu la..rase cam dah dekat sgt la plak nk raye..hehe
ReplyDeleteakak azlina: eh same!! i pun simpan lagi yg mase zaman2 sekolah punye kad raye! kite appreciate kan! hehee.. tp my mum pon bising sbb sepah kan bilik jer.. huhu
hunny: best kan, perasaan bile dpt surat! huhu.. kite x kesah la surat ape2 yg sampai kat umah utk kite, mesti cam excited! esp. kalau newsletter from parkson, isetan,etc..hehe ;p
tp kalau surat dr org ke..luahan perasaan ke..pon best gak..haha