Being a girly girl who loves all things pretty, of course being able to feel beautiful inside out is kinda like my mission and dream. Well…I think that IS every woman’s dream..right?
But I don’t know whether it is because of lately I was so stressed with things in my life (work and some other stuff), or because I always have lack of sleep (and especially during the past two months), or it’s because of me “falling in love” (I know, as ridiculous as it sounds, but this was mom’s theory of
“kuat berangan bila bercinta” or something like that - Don’t know what that really means actually, as I didn’t have any
berangan moments, except for the
berangan to have my own shoe line. LOL. So yeah, I don’t really know what my mom meant when she said that and what does falling in love have to do with thisss..haha) or maybe it just so happened that I’m having some weird hormonal changes at this stage of my life or something like that or whatever la..
But……….seriously, lately my skin condition has becoming ermm…how do I say this….? Err…Well, not that smooth like last time anymore, I suppose? tsk.
Yes. You guessed it right. It was ACNE problem.
All of a sudden, I got acne on my face. I used to have a smooth skin. I don’t have skin problem at all during my teenage years, and even when I’m in this early 20s.. Except for those little zits that come to visit me every now and then and especially during that time of the month.
But about a month or two ago, I don’t know whyyy, suddenly I had terrible acne on my skin. The acne was so horrible, until everyone who knows me said so..and asked me why, what happened to me. And it made me even more stress about it, when most of them were so “concern” or should I say making fun of me. Tskk. =/
I was so stressed about that, and probably that was the reason why the acne keeps on popping out. And not just that, my skin also looked tired and dull with all that scars and dark spots. And I just can’t stop thinking, just how many more pimples would pop out from my poor skin and when will I have bright, radiant, happy skin again. Sobs.
This was taken in the last week of November. Before that it’s like 6-8 pimples on each cheek! And left a lot of scars as well! But in this pic, the pimple has popped out a bit slower at this time… - But it’s still quite a lot to me, cuz I used to have a clear skin.. Not like that.. =/
And the thing that I hate the most is that I had to cover them up with make up, but you can still see it! – I really do not like the idea of depending on make up to look nice. For me, make up is supposed to just enhance your look, and not covering up your whole face with it and looked completely like a different person! Bcuz I prefer to have a glowing and radiant face/skin, naturally.
Not depending on make up! But I just can’t help it.. I can’t accept the fact that I had a lot of acne and marks and spots on my cheeks. And I looked…..SO.
See…if you look closely, you can still see my scars (at the right cheek area) even with full, (quite heavy) make up on my face.. (although at this time, I don’t have pimples, but I had acne marks, and dark spots, but had to cover it with a lot of make up)
So anyway..I bought lotsa skincare that time, from high ends to the really cheap ones.. But nothing seems to REALLY work. I mean like, really vanish everrrryyything, the scars, the acne pus, the bumps and what not.. And give me back my skin that I used to have.
Well…I would say, most of the products I have used, are such a bummer. Nothing has really really worked for me. All those products did to my face was only making it so dry instead of banishing all the unnecessary ugly bumps and scars on my face! And somehow, even after using acne medications and whatnot, the acne was still so strong and still popping out! And the scars are still there..even though I put creams or oil for scars and all that… But nothing seems to make them go away from my life! So I was realllllly sad. And stressed out. I did everything that I could..and I don’t know what else should I do.
But then bit by bit, as time goes by, the acne is slowly healed…But only left ugly marks and dark spots. Probably after I bought this miracle essence last 2 weeks, the acne stops coming out especially after I have gone back from Switzerland. The dry and cold weather somehow, made my skin a bit better, after I was back in KL. No more pimples popping out so far. So Alhamdullilah for that. =)
But I still have a few acne marks and some dark spots on my skin.. So I still really need something that could at least lighten them, if it can’t fade them away at the moment..
So, my skincare routine would be: - Cleansing (I use a Gentle Cleanser), and then Toning (a hydrating toner) , and followed by applying a hydrating + whitening essence, and then eye cream for dark circles, and lastly..a whitening/brightening moisturizer...
But just recently, I added a new product in my routine to help make the essence that I’m using much more effective and give me faster result!
Recently, L’Oreal has launched their new Pre-Essence that’s from a range called Youth Code..which I found out that they claimed that this Youth Code Pre Essence acts like
an amplifier, to help absorb the benefits of all those skincare products that I use even more, and 5x faster!
L’Oreal claimed that this product can boost skin’s recovery power (mmmm….sounds so good to me!), and can dramatically improve skin’s quality (say bye-bye to dull skin and acne scars!!) and amplifies the effect of any skincare used on top! Woooh! Most of my stuff that I’m using now has that whitening/brightening effect…So I really hope this product can help give me what I want in a short period of time! ;)
So anyway..
What is this Youth Code Pre-Essence for?
Well, it is a PRE essence, which is to apply after your facial toner and before your essence/serum. So that means, the steps would be: Cleanser, Toner, then apply this YOUTH CODE PRE ESSENCE, followed by your usual Serum or Essence, then Eye Cream and lastly, Moisturizer. Oh yeah and one more... don't forget your lip balm too! hehe ;)
Anyways, a little bit about this Youth Code Pre-Essence. It actually helps to activate the recovery genes involved in cellular regeneration to improve skin’s recovery capabilities like it did when we were younger. Because as we age, the natural regenerative process begins to slow down and it replaces old cells, heals wounds, etc more slowly.. So yes, it can help heal your acne or scars or redness, etc as well! Say hello to clear, bright skin! ^_^
So with this Youth Code Pre-Essence, which uses PRO-GEN Technology formula, it activates a specific gene to help boost skin's recovery power more, like it did when it was younger and improves the skin's quality! And as a result, L’Oreal claims that skin’s barrier function is strengthened, as
skin recovers better and faster!
(Me, no make up at all. Not a single powder or whatever. This is after using the Youth Code Pre Essence together with my miracle essence! The redness on my skin has lessened a bit! Yeay!)
"Yesss! At last...something that could make my skin look more radiant and clear, without the help of make up!" hehee..
This Pre-Essence amplifies the effect of any skincare used on top of it,
by 5 times.. Oh, this is definitely an awesome thing to know!! -- Like mine for example, I use the hydrating and whitening serum twice daily.. So this Pre-Essence would genetically help the serum to work more effectively and penetrate much deeper into the dermis! And thus, help to absorb the benefits of those skincare products I use even more, and dramatically improves skin's quality! ^__^
It says here, Youth Code Pre Essence is suitable for all skin types and any age. And in just 1 drop, your skin is more radiant. And in 1 week, it is more refined. And in just about a month’s time, you’ll have a rejuvenated skin!!!
Now let's try it! This Pre-Essence should be used twice a day on a perfectly cleansed skin. Remember, it's to be applied before your serum and after your toner ya! ;)
I love the packaging! It's a minimalist slender glass bottle, with a dropper that's dispensing just the right amount! The bottle feels quite solid too, which I perceived this product as better, as it is contained in a hard glass.. so it feels more indulgent too! hehe
"Okay I'm done applying my let's apply it!"
Apply, and spread it all over the face. And then continue with your usual serum, eye cream, moisturizer, sun block or whatever!
With only one drop of the liquid is enough for my entire face. And my skin felt smooth, and the liquid absorbed quickly! Definitely see a difference in my skin tone and my face looks "brighter". Combining this Pre Essence and my favorite miracle essence, does leave my skin feeling beautifully soft and smooth and nourished!! It also seems to sort of glow over the surface of my skin with a lovely velvety diffusion. And best of all, not a single breakout, and clearer, smoother skin! My skin has been quite calm whilst using this range. I really love this product! Would definitely continue to use it.. And it also has such a nice, sweet, calming scent too! It reminds me of a perfume I used to use..which I love very much! :)

The Youth Code Pre-Essence claims a "prodigious" result, as it says on the box. And apparently, you'll see amazing results from the first drop!!! My skin felt very hydrated and radiant.. and the skin felt a bit plumped up as well! I am very very happy and satisfied! In one week of twice daily use, your skin will look younger with the texture appearing more refined and elastic, making your skin look radiant and brighter. And in 1 month, maybe you have almost turned back the time and get the baby skin you’ve always wanted!! hehee ;)
Now go on..and unlock your code of youth!