(Caution. This is an entry with loads of pictures! You might feel a little bored! / Perhatian, entri yang penuh dengan gambarajah! Jikalau bosan, anda boleh balik ke tempat duduk anda) =P
Hmm..I was skimming through my Cost Management Accounting book as I have a quiz tomorrow morning..but after a few minutes of doing so.. I got bored looking at those yucky notes..
Then I wanted to listen to some Kanye West music (love his songs!)..but then I got lost in all those numerous folders that I created ages ago.. (fyi, I got more than 15,000 pictures in my lappie and entah brapa Gig la my music folders pulak..haha)
Then after opening each one of those folders..I found some very interesting pictures of me in the past! Damnn I looked funny and blackie! (esp during my primary school) haha ;P
And then I realized something about myself..
Something funny and weird..
I never knew and never realized that I am such a camera freak ever since I was a little girl!!
Look, look, look!! I was only 4 years old!

When I looked at all these pictures of me, I wondered..how can such a little girl know how to act and pose in front of the camera without anyone asking to do so? Hmm.. I guess it comes naturally and have always loved the camera ever since I was a baby! =P
Just look at my legs, my arms, my hands, my smile, my shoulder, my whateverrr and a little bit of everything! Mesti ada saja cara tersendiri untuk pose dan bergaya depan camera! haha =P
Now let's take a look at some of my photos! Ada aje pose yang aku akan buat..haha =P

Anddddd.... Up until today, I still use the same pose!!! haha..
Sampaiiii lah ke besau panjang.. Saya masih menggunakan pose yang sama, ey?! hahaa ;P
(Penulis masih lagi mengekalkan pose yang sama iaitu menyilangkan kaki dan mencekak pinggang atau membengkokkan tangan atau kaki. hahaha)

Cukup. Cukup. Banyaknyeee gambar!
Sudah terbukti penulis memang tak reti bergambar dengan cara berdiri tegak..hehe =P
Ok la..mahu sambung study!

Hmm..I was skimming through my Cost Management Accounting book as I have a quiz tomorrow morning..but after a few minutes of doing so.. I got bored looking at those yucky notes..
Then I wanted to listen to some Kanye West music (love his songs!)..but then I got lost in all those numerous folders that I created ages ago.. (fyi, I got more than 15,000 pictures in my lappie and entah brapa Gig la my music folders pulak..haha)
Then after opening each one of those folders..I found some very interesting pictures of me in the past! Damnn I looked funny and blackie! (esp during my primary school) haha ;P
And then I realized something about myself..
Something funny and weird..
I never knew and never realized that I am such a camera freak ever since I was a little girl!!
Look, look, look!! I was only 4 years old!

When I looked at all these pictures of me, I wondered..how can such a little girl know how to act and pose in front of the camera without anyone asking to do so? Hmm.. I guess it comes naturally and have always loved the camera ever since I was a baby! =P
Just look at my legs, my arms, my hands, my smile, my shoulder, my whateverrr and a little bit of everything! Mesti ada saja cara tersendiri untuk pose dan bergaya depan camera! haha =P
Now let's take a look at some of my photos! Ada aje pose yang aku akan buat..haha =P

My first time visiting Gold Coast =)
Anddddd.... Up until today, I still use the same pose!!! haha..
Sampaiiii lah ke besau panjang.. Saya masih menggunakan pose yang sama, ey?! hahaa ;P
(Penulis masih lagi mengekalkan pose yang sama iaitu menyilangkan kaki dan mencekak pinggang atau membengkokkan tangan atau kaki. hahaha)

Cukup. Cukup. Banyaknyeee gambar!
Sudah terbukti penulis memang tak reti bergambar dengan cara berdiri tegak..hehe =P
Ok la..mahu sambung study!

Hi Wanie, awak memang dilahirkan untuk bergambar depan kamera.Hehehe. Cantik dari kecil sampai besar. Sungguh, rasa tak puas lak tengok gambar2 ni. Suka tengok Wanie dress up. Go Girl !!!
ReplyDeletehuarghh bestnye gambar kat uk!! rasa nak gi lagiiieee
ReplyDeletei do have to say this : I am VERY impressed ;P
ReplyDeletemasa kecik2..
ReplyDeleteiza: muka budak innocent
hanis: muka budak comel
wani: muka budak nakal dan garang!!
wahhh....maintain Nyer pose awak!! tp, comel :)
ReplyDeletehahaha...sempat lg memblogging time study.nice pics anyway.i guess time kecik2 sure suke tgk model n jd model kn. hehe.pape pn pose yg cun tu penting, bru pic jd hot,kn kn.
Good luck wit ur test.
pandainye bergaya!..:)
ReplyDeletekecik2 dah pandai buat pose paris hilton ye..haha..but i don't like her (PH) ;p
ReplyDeleteno wonder now makin la pandai bergaya...u look gorgeous ;-) kak suzie suka trenchcoat purple tu,sgt cantik...
hahahahhaaa... chomellllllllll sgt.. gamba kekecit tu.. pandai btol posing :p
ReplyDeletehai wani..ni 1st time ke 2nd time nak komen..comel la gmbr2 tu..pandai berposing dr kecik..patut jadi model ni..hahaha...model with degree..
ReplyDeletekiut jek.. kaki seme nak silang.. huhu
ReplyDeleteSalam wany,
ReplyDeleteIm one of ur silent reader.I read ur sistas blogs as well.
Conclusion :u mmg takleh berdiri tegak,muka Iza n hanis tak berubah dari kecik.
Iza memang ayu je dari kecik (mmg dia mc tu kan),and ur tell ur mum she is so awet muda.
Badan still maintain kurus je.
Itu saja komen,sekian
nice pics dear. u're so lucky to hv been to so many places since u were small. :)
ReplyDeleteHiksss..comelnya all ur pic dari u kecik tuh...=) ur sis iza muka dia dari kecik tak byk berubah sampai besar...=)
ReplyDeleteneway,x bosan pun tgk sume pic u nih wany...=)
Bloghopping...and suprised to see my dad sitting between you girls...in the 15th photo :p
ReplyDeletesis...u are damn cute!luv ur style..luv ur blog
ReplyDeleteIza - muka serius
ReplyDeleteHanis - sengeh
Wani - pose maut
hehehe cool gila. without realizing yang dari kecik u suka bergambar hik hik
Comel. Well as usual memang pandai bergaya!
ReplyDeleteaku leh tambah kan gamba kaki silang di sekolah dgn gamba time besday kat uma aku!!!! =)
ReplyDeletekamu ni kretip sungguh.seronok aku bace entry ni
tgk gmbr u ms kecik... wajib okeh pakai kasut tu dgn stokin ropol2 renda2... sgt bergaya okeh ms tu pakai stokin mcm tu!
ReplyDeletei wonder why dulu2 aku tak suka senyum... huhuu. and the 'photo spot' pic with me wearing tudung muka "empat segi" buruk giler dohhhh! my worst fashion faux pas!! macam makcik bedah pun ada. hahaa.
ReplyDeletebtw u're photogedix since azali ;p tapi best per pandai posing.
bengkok pun bengkoklah janji cute.
ReplyDeletejap.. jap.. tak tahan.. nk gelak.. first time ni commenting here! tapi entry ni mmg tak tahan. wani, u better wat part time model la. mmg natural abis.. i like this entryy!!
ReplyDeletebesnyer kecik-kecik dah
ReplyDeletepegi luar negara..hehe
tak pe pose cne pon wani tetap vouge..hehe
u r photogenic!lucky u =)
ReplyDeletei love the pic u sdg selitkn rmbt ke blkg,while carrying golf set.seriously mcm princess!royal face woo!n the pic too.mmg my 1st thought was,"eh,mcm regal family nye pic =)"
haha u're just like my anak sedara. kecik2 pn dah terer posing. kalah model!
ReplyDeletehaha cute jer mase kecik kaki lentok and silang2 cmtu. It shows the femininity in u. terbawa2 smpai besar ;)
wani, from a girly beauty to a pretty lady :) comel je transformation from kecil to besar. i suka tengok pix yang you carry golf bag tu. you look like an arabian girl.
ReplyDeletewahhhhhhhhh! comel!
ReplyDeleteIt's so cute. Dari kecik dah silang kaki! LOL..
ReplyDeleteMemang pandai posing... U are very sweet..
U ni mmh photogenic and photogedix la..hehe. Comel! I pun suka pic yg u bawa golf set tu. Betul, mmg nampak cam royal family. Hehe. Kamu ni dari kecik sampai besar mmg cute lah. Terer posing mauttt! :p
ReplyDeleteDek...tergelak akak nengok ko dek...kemain pandai bergaya dr kecik smpi ke besar...anak akak nengok dia pun terus la nak berposing mcm ko...
ReplyDeleteterima kasih di atas compliment2 ituu..
tapi saya masih rasa klaka sbb gedix sejak azali rupanya..hahah =P
yg bawak golf bag tu u? mcm super impose plak..ayu sgt2....
ReplyDeleteneway.."kita"..kita?yer..kita mmg ditakdirkan photogedix dari kecik...nasib ai punya gambar2 lama dah musnah dek anai2..kalo tak i ble prove that we are almost the same!hehehe
comelllll !!!!! agaahagagah. kecik2 pun dah pandai ye wani :)
ReplyDeleteur brother masa kecik mukanya macam Hariz sikit :)
ReplyDeleteheheh...kaki silang yg penting tu...hehehe....nice pose...
ReplyDeletehaha, cute.. :p
ReplyDeletekecik2 lagi dah pandai pose vogue!!
ReplyDeletepatut la dah besar pun maintain vogue!!!
hehehe kelakar baca dan tgk entry ni...cute gile wani!
ReplyDeletemummy awak pon menten doh!
terkejut tgk gambar no.3 dkt anak panah tu.rasa seram pon ada.igt ada apa laa dlm semak tu.
ReplyDeletehahahahaha ;-D
ReplyDeleteawak sungguh comel wani..
ReplyDeletedari kecil sehingga besar.. tetap maintain!
ye la dek...semua bukti ada..hehe
ReplyDeletebole dah ni jadi model..
wani, where did u buy the bag? the black boots and the super chic purple coat?
ReplyDeletelookss great! love it to bits!
ReplyDeleteu are very lucky person!
u are very lucky to have been to so many great places ever since u were small!
and u are very lucky wany, to have surrounded with beautiful family
and u are very lucky to be so pretty!
love your hair. love your style. love your clothes. love your taste. love your pose.
love you. love your blog!!!!
from your SR who really adores u!
dik, ko mmg pandai posing! sama la dgn akak masa kecik2 dulu.
ReplyDeletei've been reading ur blog as well as ur sis' since many years ago. baru hari ni aku perasan yg aku keje sama tpt ngn bapak ko. alamak aiiii. what a small world.
ReplyDeletewahahah..totally camera freak..cam comel je.kalo mcm i, masa kecik amek gamba mesti senyum then senget kan kepala..smpai my dad ckp i jd terbiasa even nk amek gmba passport pon sme.hahahah
ReplyDeleteSalam Shaz,
ReplyDeleteu mmg dilahirkan utk bergaya lah..suka tgk..hee...