I went to Jakarta last Monday with my fiance to do the fitting for one of our baju for the wedding. During our short trip, we managed to do a couple of things..and went to a few places. So one of the things that I love the most from our trip was visiting the Biyan Bride boutique! Yes, the international brand! - Oh..so many beautiful pieces to see and to hold! There's always something magical about being in a bridal boutique, don't you think? I could spend hours in there! hehe ^__^

This is pretty!!

Ooh la laaa...

Biyan always has such intricate designs and beautiful beading works! I loveee!

I love how elegant and exclusive their designs are! Everything is hand made and has very intricate design! I personally love the one on the left! So elegant! Too bad it's see-through! So a hijaber like me can't wear it!

All of the baju here are soooo heavy!

Pretty packaging, no?
According to the Indonesian designer, my kebaya would be covered with lotsa bead works! Goshh...it must be heavy, I can't imagine when he showed me the parts that would be covered with bead works!!! The designer made my dress from scratch with no beadings at all...and now, the lace will all be covered with beads, beads, and beads! Seriously I can't imagine.... O__o
I just hope I don't blink so much like a Christmas tree that day! haha. I love simple design, if you don't know it already... So the kebayas really made me feel a little worried if it turns out to be soooooo heavy! =/
P/s: Some of the pics are from google
yess, less is more. sarat sgt pun sometimes nmpk serabut kan?
ReplyDeletegirl, you're everything but simple. I think all of your readers know that.
ReplyDelete100% agree :)
DeleteYour wedding, your money, your choice. Have fun Wani!
ReplyDeleteDear dont waste your money (although I know you have heaps). Simply because you dont have the body and looks for these designers dresses.You akan tenggelam dalam the beads and everything. I would suggest you wear something simple but classy to accentuate your sweet looks.
ReplyDeleteits my country, welcome :)
ReplyDeletei so agree with what anonymous said on 8/11/2013 at 3.21pm above. just don't make the same mistake as how u did your engagement dress. sorry but i believe as public and as your reader, we want you to look lovely. at least from outer point of view. asking your good friends won't help since they'll say it's lovely all the way.
ReplyDeleteAgreed with anon above.. We all know you have the money and all but too bad not for the look and body figure. Dont you think it'll just be a waste to spend so much on something you cant even pull it right?
ReplyDeleteSalam,rasanya simple look nice kot.Tak perlu byk sgt beads.Semua org nk nmpk cantik time wedding.Tp Islam pon menggalakkan kite bersederhana.Oh..sorry your money.So u can do wut ever you want to do.Sy sekadar menasihati je =)) good luck
ReplyDeleteagree wif anon.. less is more better... its will make u look more slimmer..
ReplyDeleteCouldnt agree more. The simpler the better the nicer. Trust me. Dont really have to go for designer dress to look lovely, trust me.
ReplyDeleteTulah kesian kan.. Ade yg cantik muke ngalahkan erra fazira tapi anak org susah.. Kawen pun bace akad nikah jer.. Ade plak anak org kaye rete tak abis makan gamaknyer buat baju kawen pun kat indon tapi muke tembok pecah..adil sungguh tuhan kan..
ReplyDeleteMuka pecah tembok ke.. Erra fazira ke.. Semua tuhan yg cipta. Bkn buat sendiri pn
DeleteSumpah tak baik gila cakap camtu..human is Allah's creation. Habis muka kau siapa buat? Kalau Allah nak tukar muka kau jadi tembok pecah pun sekelip mata je..
Deletedress engagement tak lawa...your best friends memang akan semua ckp lawa, gorgeous...tudung plak terbelit tercekik pastu kt sanggul nya pelik...harap2 baju kawen elok la sikit, dh perabis duit kan..simple sudeh...
ReplyDeleteOk. Tak faham kenapa ada some annoyingly negative comment seperti tudung tercekik etc. Listen, whoever you are, you're just being mean. If you don't like this blog of her wonderful stories, then shoo. If you don't like her dressings, that's up to her. we give her comments to help her, not insult her and kutuk dia. U must be one of those sad people kan. Anony, maybe you muka tembok pecah. sebab tu mengutuk dia habisan, and tak berani letak muka mahupun nama. Hmm.
ReplyDeleteBaju bertunang tu lawa, i mean warna dia. Tapi cape dan cara belit shawl tu macam pelik la. Saya rasa kalau pakai tudung awning masuk dalam baju dan tak payah letak cape is even BETTER! Something simple je.
ReplyDeleteBody wise: saya pun badan gempal-gempal juga. Tapi berangan nak pakai baju modern body shape bagai ni, lepas dah buat, menyesal tak sudah bila tengok gambar. Sebab body shape sy totally out! Plus terlalu show off body figure sampai saya naik malu. Hingga ke hari ni sy tak pakai dah baju tu. Syg je tempah mahal2. Lepas dari tu, saya tak pernah tempah baju ikot shape bdn terlampau.
Wani memang berduit. Tapi kesederhanaan always win! Hope your wedding dress design lebih lawa dari bertunang tu.
Apa2 pun, all the best!!
Keyboard warriors!
ReplyDeleteI always wonder how people can write nasty things to others, yet trying to give 'nasihat'. Get a life.
ko pon komen as anon, apsal x letak nama?
ReplyDeleteko pun komen as anon,apsal x letak nama betul?
ReplyDeleteAt least aku tak busuk hati nak mengutuk dia. Although as anonymous. i even complimented her in my previous post. Faham? Okk now I put my name. Lets see if kau mampu tak to identify yourself sebab hanya mampu kutuk as anonymous. BOO-HOO!!
ReplyDeleteWani just continue doing your thing kay. This particular anony has got some serious issues.
This reminds me of Vivy from proudduck.com she got hers from Biyan too. Copycat eh hihihihihi... All the best! You'll be a beautiful bride.
ReplyDeleteFirstly, please get your facts right before commenting and accusing me for copying Vivy. Her beautiful dress that she wore on her wedding day last year, was made by Anne Avantie. I was at her wedding, so I know. By just looking at the designs, we all know it's from Anne?? If you know what you're talking about, you'll know the difference between Biyan's design and Anne Avantie's -___-
DeleteSecondly, I never say I made my dress with Biyan. I said I visited the shop to see what they have in store since we're already in Jakarta, so I thought I'd give a visit to one of the famous and awesome designer there. So please read carefully. -__-
And thirdly, even IF I wear the same designer as anyone else's...why bother? The designers are meant to sell their outfits to the public. They're not there to serve only one person. So you buy Zara top...I can't buy the same one because I like it, is it? Wow. Bersihnya hati awak. :)
Fourthly, I am not the one who reaallllyyyyy wanted to go Jakarta and made a dress there. It never really occurred to my mind until my mom's friend got married in September, and she wore a kebaya from this one designer from Indonesia, and we both fell in love with her dress when we saw it. So that's where the idea of going there popped, and we asked where she did her dress at, and who's the designer. I guess she's not like you, so she helped us with it..and tell everything we need to know about the designer.
Well...I know a lot of people who go to Indonesia to make a dress there. So there's no copycat or anything here. Even my sister made a dress there too. So it's not a big deal. It's not like we're going to New York or Paris to buy some crazy topnotch designers or anything here, ok? So can't you just chill? -__-
And lastly, I think you and all the anonymous here who think they know better, should stop being so negative, and fill your lives with some better things to do. Seriously, you guys really made me worried about you.
Why so bitter? O__o
Take a chill pill, and go explore the world. If you can't do that. Well, just don't read my blog. It's as simple as that. Trust me, you'll be much happier and content :)
Okay that's all I have to say to everyone here... Have a great life you guys! ^__^
@phatgurl : Hahahah. I knowwww right?! LOL xD
ReplyDeleteBabe you should learn to dress your age. You always dress like an older women..you know like women in their 40s (ala macam successful career women in their 40s. Lighten up a bit and enjoy your youthfulness while you are in your 20s. fashion tips: branded handbags and dresses wont turn you into a fashionista but knowledge in fashion is.
ReplyDeleteSeriously..what's wrong with u anons.. don't u learn how to respect others feeling and personal taste? Tudung awning msk dlm baju is a fashion to u, but NOT for someone else, including me.. but then, it's ur choice n taste rightttt.. so insult or pointed someone's flaw won't make u any better.. org komen tu body mantap mcm erra ke, rozita che wan ke? pffttt..i don't think so..
ReplyDeleteWani.. hang in there.. U absolutely gorgeous in your own way..everybody does.. just stick and continue as u are.. let them haters, hate.. u surely gonna live a happy life, and blessed.
p/s : x sabar nak tggu wedding you..
wani my humble opinion everything u ware very nice.. but just change the way u posture urself while in front of camera. just relax and dont streach ur self sampai nmpk boobs kedepan sgt.. just rilex and stand straight. or u pakai corsep yg nmpk body u mcm kene karen everytime posing.. hihi
ReplyDeleteReading Wani's self defense, I think, she is the one who need to take the chill pill.
ReplyDeleteCakap pasal women in their 40s dan juga corset, I teringat post you yang pakai corset tu. Lebih kurang macam artis 80an Raja Ema yang buat comeback. Pakai corset bagai he he so out of this world. Macam manalah you boleh terfikir pakai tudug dan pakai corset kat luar macam tu. Nevertheless, I like your mum. She looks humble and lovely.
ReplyDeleteHey...nakal you all ni semua. Tak baik tau. Kesian budak Wani ni. Actually I like your engagement dress. Simple and sweet. Except for the cape of course which I think is so unnecessary for an engagement ceremony. Even kalau venue kat Carcosa pun still tak sesuai okay. Sorry again...bab your tudung tu mmg I setuju. Indeed that was the biggest flawlah sbb your dress dah simple and gorgeous tapi mmg nampak mcm tak siap bila pakai tudung mcm tu. Cuba bayangkan you pakai tudung yang ada lace and beadings sikit and berjuntaian kain tudungnya instead of the cape...mmg sangat cantik mcm goddess, would have been a perfect ensemble. Takpelah Wani...kita semua belajar from each other okay. Cant want to see your wedding dress. Cheers :)
ReplyDeletesetuju sgt dengan Hannah, anon dan Ein..well, kebenaran memang hard to be accepted.the way we dressed not beautiful by looking at mirror and fake praise by friends, but should be by learning to other opinion tu. simple is always nice and sweet. in term of dress and how u pose in front of camera
ReplyDeleteJangan lah marah2 wani. Ini kan blog. Obviously.., siap Ada ruangan utk comment lagi be it good or bad. Kalau tak nak orang comment tulis lah your thoughts kat dlm diary je. Barulah discrete. Vain memanjang lah you ni.
ReplyDeleteIf you can't stand the heat, stop sharing your life with the whole world. Occasionally you have to take negative feedbacks with a pinch of salt. No pride is loss if you had kept your cool in the face of harsh criticism. In fact you could have earned respect of many readers had you admitted your own shortcomings & learn from this experience.. If only..
I gotta agree with anon above.. For the record, I've never comment in your blog. Tapi kali ini rase terpanggil untuk memberikan sedikit pendapat.
ReplyDelete1. Designers brand exactly wont turn you into fashionista. As for example, your handbags collection is truly something that my 56 years old mother would carry anywhere. Youve got really bad eyes for handbags dear.
2. Untuk baju pulak can you please pilih yang suitable for your age. Baju you semua nampak tua dear.. I rase you ptt learn from your sister izza.
3. For possing i mmng agree dgn anon. Chill wani, chill.. You memang cantik as you are. Tak perlu nak mendada or menonggek keterlaluan sangat mcmtu nak tunjuk body.
Ok :)
Nak wat camana...dh pakai korset pb kakak dia jual sb tu posing pn jd gitu..
DeleteI am in my 30s and I am a professional and yet I don't wear designer bags like you. I don't even own designer bags. Heck, my 60yo mum pun takde sebanyak tu designer bags nya. Nasib baik u jumpa hazim and dia suka/cinta u. Kalau tak, i rasa mana2 lelaki around your age pun akan intimidated nak berkenalan dengan u sebab tengok u suka melaram dengan designer bags.
ReplyDeletebtw are you working? what do u work as because u seem so free to go everywhere, attend events and whatnot. and yet u can afford all those designer bags.
oh lupa, mak pak orang kaya.
hazim kerja apa btw?
-just another silent reader
Hazim tu engineer kalo xslh..but wani i xtau keje ape..wani..answer us pls..u keje ape sbnrny..
Deletehi wani,
ReplyDeleteJgn kecil hati dgn apa yg I nak comment ye. U dah mmng cantik, just u need to consider others' opinion. I setuju dgn anon2 kat atas ni, not everyone has a body that can carry designer dress. Mungkin u boleh buat baju yg x ketat sgt..hu2. Bila pakai baju ketat x manis dipandang kat certain parts. (I think u know what I meant). Nanti bila u dah kahwin u boleh la nak pakai ketat macam mana pun depan your husband only..he2. Just chill wani, you are pretty woman.
agree wif anon.. the best word mendada.. because u wore something fit tak perlulah nk mendada sgt.. buruk nmpknya.. btw baju u knp semua ketat2.. mcm minah rempit je tgk..
ReplyDeleteIsh ish.. Sedap je cakap org mcm minah rempit.. Igt org pn ada mak bapak.. Jgn sedap mulut je cakap anak org baik baik mcm tu.
DeleteMcm rasa semua anon is the same person.... or a group of haters yg berkumpul utk komen yg mengutuk.. ada salah n betul nya anon tu... tapi jaga2 la perkataan.
ReplyDeleteAwak pn anon kn? Saya pn anon. Kita semua anon. Hahaha
Deleteoh yer ke pakai premium beautiful? kenapa tak kurus kurus jugak? Maksudnya tak berkesanlah premuim beautiful ni.
ReplyDeleteTkder gemuk pn si wani ni. Elok je i tgk..
DeleteHehehe. nk gelak betol bc semua komen komen ni.. Lawak betol.. Manusia manusia.. Biarla dia nk pakai apa pn.. Bkn mintak duit kita pn.. As long s she is comfortable with herself biarla kn.. Korang sakit hati sakit apesal. :D
ReplyDeleteDepa depa tu semua dengki tu.. Jgn dengki dengki.. Tuhan maghah..
Deletewww.silkscarffromchennai.blogspot.com wishes wani "congratulations wani! =)"
ReplyDeleteI don't get ppl that go to ppl's blog n to post nasty comments on other ppl! Bitter or jealous much! Secure happy ppl usually dont and wont slate other ppl let alone ppl they don't know, let alone publicly after searching for them! Quite sad really!
ReplyDeleteTo shazwani, just be cool as you are yeah. they're just have an unhappy life, thus decided to make your life "sounds" miserable with their words, as if it will work. So pathetic.
Dear wani,
ReplyDeleteSeriously i love you for you. I dont know u personally but reading your post previously i think that u're a nice person and humble. Im happily married, for almost 3 years already alhamdulillah. Majlis kahwin i sederhana, sangat sederhana. I pakai baju kurung yang ada beads sikit, tudung just pakai tudung bawal yang i selalu pakai pergi kelas/kerja. Majlis nikah dan resepsi dekat dewan orang ramai. Sangat bersyukur majlis berjalan lancar. Pada i, baju, hantaran, makanan, tempat majlis, semua tu tak sepenting niat i untuk menghalalkan hubungan dengan suami i. Jadi nasihat i, janganlah u risau/stress sangat pasal kahwin ni k. Yang penting, buat yang wajib, supaya dapat berkat Tuhan :)
tua sblm umor u nih wani.. cuba try simple n moderate..
ReplyDeleteAbaikan sahaja mulut2 busuk kat sini... Good luck on ur wedding.... Maafkan sahaja mereka2 ni...sebab nnt kat padang mahsyar belum tentu yg mengata wani ni larat nak carik wani.n mintak maaf...